Latest News you won’t read in Main Stream Media

July 12, 2021

News Nuggets July 12, 2021 – Top Health News Items from integrous sources on the jab

Compiled by Edda West


Dr. Peter McCullough in this compelling conversation with Mike Adams says Covid vaccinations of pregnant women is an “atrocity” and “shameful”

 In looking back on how the pandemic was handled, he says,

“I think it was all to prepare the population for mass vaccination.  I think it was very intentional to maximize the amount of fear, suffering, hospitalization and death to prepare the population to accept mass vaccination. And when mass vaccination came out, they didn’t say targeted, or just for the seniors or just for the maximum benefiters. They said “A Needle in Every Arm”, and they meant it!”

Dr. McCullough’s approach and other caring frontline doctors in his network is to “take the fear out of covid”and focus on early treatment with multiple drugs.  They provide patients with safe and effective repurposed drugs which, when given early, enable the patient to recover without hospitalization and save lives.

“The vaccines have a very dangerous mechanisms of action.  We cannot have genetic substances circulating in our body in lipid nanoparticles or other forms of particles and go to our brain. We can’t do that.  That cannot be allowed – it’s a dangerous mechanism of action.” 

 Dr. McCullough refers to the Japanese ‘biodistribution’ study that showed the nanoparticles did not stay at the injection site in the arm, but “went everywhere…[and] hyper-concentrated in the ovaries”.  He says the FDA knew the vaccine(s) should not be used in young women and that earlier studies had already shown that these particles concentrate in the ovaries.  Referring to a study in the NEJM which claimed that the vaccine is safe in pregnancy, he says the study showed that when they zeroed in on the first trimester,

“There was an 83% loss of babiesso these vaccines are directly killing babies in the first trimester and it is absolutely atrocious….no woman should ever take the risk with a covid-19 vaccine during pregnancy.  The FDA, Moderna and Pfizer didn’t allow it in their clinical trials and shouldn’t be allowed in practice today.”

Follow Dr. McCullough’s weekly podcast in which he interviews top medical experts. Dr. McCullough is joined by experts in medicine, biotechnology, public health, and policy to bring critical information and insights to the listeners in a concise and understandable format.

BOMBSHELL GAME CHANGER – Dr. David Martin has given stunning new testimony to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s Corona Investigative Committee  – Dr. Martin’s testimony is THE SMOKING GUN that shows the ‘pandemic’ was an orchestrated event to incite heightened fear and acceptance of the mRNA gene technology falsely called a ‘vaccine’.  He presents a 20 year trail of patent documents which prove that SARS-Cov2 is not novel, that there is no variant and no pandemic. Explicit statements from the U.S. patent office show that the injected  mRNA gene technology is not a vaccine and is not proven to prevent infection.

Number of Deaths Reported After COVID Vaccines Jumps by More Than 2,000 in 1 Week, According to VAERS, by Megan Redshaw – Children’s Health Defense –  The covid vaccine death & injury horror show continues to claim more victims from the young to the old;

Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) included 9,049 reports of deaths, across all age groups, following COVID vaccines — an increase of more than 2,000 compared with the previous week. The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Of the 9,048 deaths reported as of July 2, 22% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 24 hours and 37% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.”

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko – Faith in ‘sociopaths’ like Fauci ‘a very foolish choice’ –  Dr. Z talks to LifeSiteNews about the early treatment protocols that have saved the lives of many patients.  Dr. Zelenko has successfully treated thousands of coronavirus patients using safe, effective medicines. He discusses vaccine safety, whether the coronavirus vaccines on the market elevate the risk of miscarriage, how many lives could have been saved had governments not acted in tyrannical ways for over a year now, and how lifesaving treatments and information are actively being suppressed and censored.  In discussing the censorship and de-platforming of medical experts, he says,

“This is a crime of historic and biblical scale…there is a crime –  a conspiracy to commit murder” – he warns the public that we are experiencing, “the biggest psychological warfare in human history”

The TRUTH About COVID-19, Lockdowns, and mRNA Vaccines – Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole MD discusses what we know about the mRNA COVID vaccines – Dr. Cole says ‘they’ had an agenda of,

“fear, suffering and vaccines…… If you look at the data, we have more deaths today from the vaccine in many states than we do from covid itself. It’s time to reassess what we’re doing and time to get back to normal life, provide early treatment to those at risk and who have covid. With early treatment this is a completely survival virus for most people who aren’t in those elderly high risk categories.

Dr. Cole discusses the main active ingredient in covid vaccines – the ‘spike protein’ which was assumed would stay at the injection site where the immune system would see it and respond with antibodies. He says,

Now what we’re finding is that the spike protein we’re told would stay right there in your arm, is circulating for up to two weeks in the body – you’re body is making it from that little gene and it’s landing in other parts of your body where it’s not supposed to be. That’s why we’re seeing myocarditis.  It’s stimulating an immune response and attacking the heart! At the same time in the bioaccumulation data from Japan we see about a 1000 fold increased accumulation of lipid nanoparticle landing in the ovaries.”

Forbidden Questions.  Evolutionary biologist, Dr. Bret Weinstein in dialogue on American Thought Leaders dives deep into the ‘Perverse Incentives’ in the Vaccine Rollout and the Censorship of ScienceIn this excellent analysis, Dr. Weinstein and Jan Jekielek discuss COVID-19 vaccine safety, the efficacy of repurposed drugs, the Wuhan lab leak theory, and this new age of censorship. When asked what scientific data and information is currently being denied to the public?, Dr. Weinstein replied,

“We are exposing a huge fraction of the population to what is in effect a scientific experiment, except that it isn’t a scientific experiment because we are deliberately avoiding collecting data that would allow us to evaluate the impact,”

Discussing the use of alternative medicines to treat people, Dr. Weinstein said,

“So, if the repurposed drugs are as good as some people believe they are, then the vaccines would not be available at all. They would still be in testing. Add to that the fact that the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture these vaccines have been granted immunity from liability, and these two things in combination, I believe, have created a headlong rush to administering the vaccines to everyone irrespective of medical or epidemiological need.”

Vaccine Taboos – Dr. Robert Malone inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology in conversation with Jan Jekielek about the Bioethics of Experimental Vaccines and the ‘Ultimate Gaslighting’.  In this important conversation with the inventor of the mRNA technology in use today to make covid gene therapy shots, Dr. Malone says,

“Clearly, there is a signal relating to blood clotting abnormalities, again, as with the adenovirus vectored vaccines. There is cerebral venous thrombosis. That’s a big fancy word, but what it means is blood clots in the veins draining your brain. So you can imagine that’s not a very good thing to have. It’s kind of related to stroke….My recommendation is that you know your body best, you and your medical care provider. You have the right to accept or not accept a vaccine product, particularly an experimental one. You make your own decision. I can’t advise you, in the end, neither can your physician completely advise you. It’s up to you. It’s your body. It’s your choice. I strongly suggest that you take the time to get informed, do the best you can, and then make the decision that you think is right for you.”

All Risk – Zero Benefit – Stop the mass covid-19 vaccine rollout for children and young people!  Excellent succinct info page at with embedded video collage of doctors speaking out against vaccinating children and young people.

There is thus no medical or public health case for the mass vaccination of children and young people, or for coercive or restrictive measures affecting those who are unvaccinated.”

Vaccines: Reasons for Concern, by Alex Berenson –  Part 2: Why does the CDC keep calling post-Covid vaccine heart problems in young men “rare” and “mild” when they are neither?  Berenson writes in reference to a recent CDC meeting to discuss serious heart problems in teens and young adults following covid-19 shots;

“We can no longer trust the Centers for Disease Control to weigh honestly the risks and benefits of Covid vaccines for young people. At the meeting, CDC scientists presented horrendous data. It showed that even without accounting for underreporting, a second dose of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines could increase the risk of problems up to 200-fold in young men.

“But the scientists then went on to suggest the vaccines should still be given – even to kids already suffering from heart problems.”

Dire Warning from BC physician, Dr. Charles Hoffe.  In this video clip, Dr. Hoffe explains to Laura Lynn Thompson how the ‘spike protein’ in covid shots is biodistributed around the body and provides a clear description of the mechanisms underlying the devastating blood clots that have injured and killed many. He says,

“When the covid vaccine is injected into your arm, we now know that only 25% of it stays in your arm and the other 75% is literally collected by your lymphatic system and fed into your circulation. So these little packages of messenger RNA, in a single dose of the Moderna vaccine, there are 40 trillion messenger RNA molecules – 40 trillion that are injected into your arm. Three quarter of these are connected by the lymphatics and go into your blood stream in these little packages that are designed to be absorbed into your cells.  But obviously when something is in circulation, the only cells they can be absorbed into is the cells around your blood vessels and the place where absorption happens is in the capillary networks.  These are the tiniest vessels where the blood slows right down.

These little packages of genes are absorbed into the cells around the blood vessels, the vascular endothelium, the packages open, the genes are released, your body then gets to work reading these genes and manufacturing trillions and trillions of covid spike proteins – each gene can produce many, many covid spike proteins. 

The purpose of the spike proteins is that your body recognizes it as a foreign protein and will make antibodies against it so that then you’re protected against covid. That’s the idea, but here’s where the problem comes.  In a coronavirus, that spike protein becomes part of the viral capsule.  But [in your body] it’s not in a virus, it’s in your cells, so it therefore becomes part of the cell wall of your vascular endothelium, which means that these cells that line your blood vessels which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly, now have these little spikey bits sticking out.

 So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form, because your blood platelets circulate around in your vessels and the purpose of blood platelets is to detect a damaged vessel and block that vessel to stop bleeding… and is absolutely inevitable that a blood clot will form to block that vessel.”

Government Should Leave Our Kids Alone – A brief video message from Neil Oliver, archaeologist, TV presenter and conservationist.  He says,

That we are even contemplating giving these vaccines to our children at this time – this time when so much remains unknown – strikes me as nothing less than grotesque. The apparent justification is that children may spread the virus and that by vaccinating them such risk is curtailed – that risk being primarily towards adults. But what of the risk to the children in receipt of a vaccine – the longterm effects of which must remain unknown for years to come? …. If we don’t put children, the young of the species, first – above all others – then frankly, what’s the point in anything?”

While adults can choose whether or not to take these shots which are a private and personal choice in a free society, Oliver implores,

 “But leave the children alone. Leave the children alone.”

B.C. drops mandatory indoor mask mandate starting July 1, by Richard Zussman – Global News – “The Face Coverings Order under the Emergency Program Act will be lifted and no proof of vaccination will be needed.”

Health Canada updates vaccine labels to include myocarditis and pericarditis Apparently Dr. Patrick Phillips tweeted that, Failure to disclose these risks prior to vaccination is malpractice and medical coercion.” 

Canada will not welcome unvaccinated tourists for some time -PM Trudeau, by Julie Gordon – Reuters  – OTTAWA, July 8 (Reuters) “Foreign tourists who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 will not be allowed to enter Canada for quite some time because the government is unwilling to jeopardize progress made on containing the virus, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Thursday.”



Europe Report: 17,503 DEAD, 1.7 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots, by Brian Shilhavy

Number of Reported COVID Cases Among Fully Vaccinated Continues to Climb, by Megan Redshaw – Children’s Health Defense  Reports of COVID breakthrough cases among fully vaccinated people continue to rise — as of June 28, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 4,686 breakthrough cases resulting in death and hospitalization.”

CDC Adds Over 2000 Deaths Associated with COVID-19 Shots in One Week – 917 Unborn Baby Deaths, by Health Impact News Last week they were reporting 6,985 deaths, and this week that number jumped up to 9,048. This is by far the largest increase of recorded deaths in one week since they started reporting deaths following COVID-19 shots. And yet, none of this government data will be reported in any corporate media news broadcast, and those who try to post it on the Big Tech social media sites will be flagged for “fake news” by the “fact checkers”.”

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help as the Medical Community Turns Their Back on Them, by Brian Shilhavy 6 months into the mass vaccination campaign with the experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shots, where about half of the U.S. population now has received at least one of these injections, tens of thousands of victims are beginning to speak out, regretting their choices, and begging for help.”

Bruce David Ward: 64-year-old Canadian man suffers sudden aortic dissection, dead 30 days after first experimental Moderna mRNA injection Mr. Bruce David Ward received the first dose of experimental Moderna mRNA on or around May 22, according to his daughter, Brenna Ward. He suffered no immediate adverse effects. Mr. Ward enjoyed the Father’s Day weekend with his wife. He started doing DIY home renovations that following Monday, June 21. Suddenly, he started screaming in pain.”

The Vast Majority of Those Now Dying with Covid are People who Were VACCINATED Against It, by Ethan Huff Public Health England just released a new report showing that at least 62 percent of all deaths associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated.”

How College COVID Vaccine Mandates Put Students In Danger The excessively narrow medical exemptions for COVID vaccine mandates at many colleges put students at unnecessary risk of serious complications, including hospitalization and death. “We think that these mandates are unethical, chiefly because they indiscriminately require administering an experimental biological agent in the setting of a clinical investigation to a population that is at greater risk of harm from the drug than from COVID. Our advice to schools that have not yet adopted vaccine mandates is: don’t.”

Dad: My Son’s School Made Him Get COVID Vaccine, Now He Has Heart Condition, by Megan Redshaw – Children’s Health Defense 17-year-old student, who recovered from COVID but was required to get the vaccine in order to attend school and play soccer, developed a heart condition soon after getting the Pfizer vaccine. Fox News medical news contributor said “Well, unfortunately, they still continue to deny natural immunity having a robust protection, and the truth is it does. We have just as much data showing natural immunity having a strong protective effect as we do the vaccines, but they continue to stop and not acknowledge it.”

Dental hygienist shares the devastating side effects she experienced after getting vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine, by Ramon Tomey

Heart Inflammation Linked to COVID Vaccines in Study of U.S. Military, Department of Defense Confirms, by Megan Redshaw – Children’s Health Defense “In a study published June 29 in JAMA Cardiology, researchers described 23 cases of myocarditis in healthy military members who developed the condition within four days of receiving the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines.”

Death rate from variant COVID virus six times higher for vaccinated than unvaccinated, UK health data show, by Celeste McGovern – LifeSite News – June 18, 2021  “Hospitalizations are also higher among thousands of fully vaccinated individuals who test positive for the Delta COVID ‘variant of concern’.” 

Father And Daughter Die Four Days Apart Despite Taking Different Brands Of COVID-19 Shots, by Health Impact News

More Families Devastated from Deaths and Injuries Following COVID-19 Shots, by Brian Shilhavy  Where you choose to get your information and news is now a life and death decision. Those who still depend on government health agencies like the WHO, CDC, FDA, to provide truth through the corporate media are continuing to suffer, and die. Most people are probably still not aware, for example, that the CDC’s VAERS database, using their own data, shows that more deaths have followed COVID-19 shots in the past few months than recorded deaths following vaccines for the past 30 years!”

U.S. Sen. Johnson Holds News Conference With Families Injured by COVID Vaccines, Ignored by Medical Community, by Megan Redshaw. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and former Green Bay Packers player Ken Ruettgers held a press conference June 28 with families who want to ‘be seen, heard and believed by the medical community’ after suffering adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.

DELTA variant hysteria exposes the sobering truth: Covid vaccines don’t work, and “variants” are pushed as scare stories to demand more vaccines, mask mandates and destructive lockdowns, by Mike Adams – June 29/ 21

Man Dies After Second Moderna Dose Following Rare Blood Clotting Disorder Linked to the Vaccine, Doctors Say, by Megan Redshaw – Children’s Health Defense. “A search of VAERS, using search criteria including reports of blood clots associated with blood coagulation disorders, produced a total of 6,787 reports for all three vaccines from Dec. 14, 2020 through June 18, 2021.”



Watch 1-Hour Version of Censored Interview with Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology, by Children’s Health Defense Team In June, Dr. Bret Weinstein interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, and Steve Kirsch, philanthropist and tech entrepreneur who has become a respected force in the quest to give voice to people who have been harmed by COVID vaccines.

BEST BROADCAST EVER with Dr. Peter McCollough in conversation with Laura Lynn Thompson In this empowering and inspiring conversation, Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of Medicine and Vice Chair of Internal Medicine at Baylor University talks about the real numbers surrounding vaccine injuries and deaths. He says children should not get the covid vaccine nor should anybody under age 30 get these injections.

On The Highwire, EX-NIH WHISTLEBLOWER EXPOSES FAUCI  Former NIH research scientist, Judy Mikovits, PhD, details shocking acts of corruption by key figures at NIH, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, dating all the way back to his mishandling of the AIDS epidemic.

FINALLY a Clinical Trial on Facemasks in Children – Parents Take Note! Brief highly informative video by Ivor Cummins  The study reports that on average, masked children are forced to breathe in 6X more carbon dioxide with younger children even more affected.

Rocco Galati & Rajie discuss the Revoked Ontario Declared Emergency, the ‘Reopening Ontario Act’ and the underhanded measures the government is using to maintain lockdown

Professor Gordon Lauc – Official Pandemic Advisor to Croatian Government – Revelations! Discussion with Ivor Cummins

Tens of Thousands of COVID-19 “Vaccine” Injured in the U.S. Begging for Help,  From Video Testimonies from victims who need help because the medical community has turned their back on them.  read the Vaxlonghaulers’ press release here:

Disgraceful Dismissal of Dr. Christian with clips from Tucker Carlson – Presented by Laura Lynn Thompson Dr. Francis Christian has been suspended by the Saskatchewan Health Authority for telling children they do not need to get the vaccine. He even tells them that it is according to WHO guidelines, which they promptly dismiss. This is an edited version of a longer phone call.”

Dr. Lee Merritt: Forced Vaccines Are a Holocaust-Level Crime Against Humanity My head has been spinning for a year, as I’ve tried to work out how a coordinated global fraud of such a vastness as COVID-19, involving so many different sectors and jurisdictions could’ve been pulled off. Dr Lee Merritt joins Mike Adams to discuss the financial and regulatory forces that have been keeping most doctors from doing the right thing and morally pushing back against this patently genocidal agenda.”

Rand Paul Presses Senate Witness On COVID-19 Vaccine Policy “failure to acknowledge ‘natural immunity’ has led to the policy of indiscriminate vaccination.” And in this article and video clip, Senator Paul asks If someone already had covid, why would that person now need an injection”

‘Suddenly You Can’t Find Him’: Jim Jordan Criticizes Fauci For Skipping GOP COVID-19 Origin Hearing  Fauci wouldn’t appear at GOP House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) took aim at NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci for not appearing before the Republican-led hearing.

Bonnie Henry Lies Again: None Of These Vaccines Are “Approved” In Canada – AZ Isn’t Safe, Posted on June 17, 2021 by Ronnie at Canuck Law

Professor Michel Chossudovsky discusses The Most Devastating Crisis in Human History with Ted Kuntz at Vaccine Choice Canada

Dr. Simone Gold speaks to a large Christian group in Australia – time frame around April 2021



“Vaccine” Notice of Liability Parent/Child re: Covid-19 injections recommended or administered to minors (under age 19) To: School Superintendents, Heads of Schools/Universities/Colleges, School Board Executives, Directors, Principals, Teachers, Deans and Administration. “This is your official and personal Notice of Liability. As a person involved in the education system, you are NOT a qualified medical professional and, therefore, you are unlawfully practising medicine by prescribing, recommending, facilitating and using coercion to insist minors submit to the experimental medical treatment for Covid-19, namely being injected with one of the experimental gene therapies commonly referred to as “vaccine”.” – GREAT tool for parents and students!

NO JAB FOR ME -GREAT RESOURCE – Recently updated

Why Children Should Not Receive the COVID Shot, Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola long-term effects are unknown, there’s reason to suspect they may be severe. A Pfizer biodistribution study demonstrates the synthetic mRNA does not stay near the injection site as initially assumed. It is, in fact, widely disseminated in your body within hours of injection. It enters your bloodstream and accumulates in a variety of organs, primarily your spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands and, in women, the ovaries. The spike protein — which we now know is pathogenic and causes disease in and of itself — also travel to your heart, brain and lungs. Once in your blood circulation, the spike protein binds to platelet receptors and the cells that line your blood vessels.”

Raising the Alarm on Myocarditis After Covid Vaccination, by Dr Clare Craig and Dr Andrew G. Bostom 29 June 2021  The authors suggest that “immediately this summer, a controlled one-month study” should be conducted comparing covid vaccinated and unvaccinated groups under 30 years of age as was done by researchers in 2015 by researchers who verified the onset of myocarditis post vaccination in some people. They recommend that, “Pending completion of these studies, and rapid analyses of the data, there should be a moratorium on mass Covid vaccination of healthy, extraordinarily low-Covid-risk persons under 30 years old. The FDA’s intention to only continue monitoring is a dereliction of duty.”

Those dying post-vaccine: Where are the autopsies? By Jane M. Orient, M.D., sounds alarm over lack of typical protocol with unexpected deaths 45-year-old mother just died of heart issues and brain swelling, shortly after getting the COVID shot required before she could begin her job at Johns Hopkins University. There will be tears and flowers, but probably no autopsy – and no pause in the shots demanded for mothers and potential mothers if they want to work at JHU.”

Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19, by the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance Fortunately, it now appears that ivermectin, a widely used anti-parasitic medicine with known anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties is proving a highly potent and multi-phase effective treatment against COVID-19….The FLCCC expert panel, in their prolonged and continued commitment to reviewing the emerging medical evidence base, and considering the impact of the recent surge, has now reached a consensus in recommending that ivermectin for both prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19 should be systematically and globally adopted.” FLCCC – New Meta-analysis and systemic review of effectiveness of Ivermectin

Covid19 – the final nail in coffin of medical research, by Dr Malcolm Kendrick

Censorship Kills, by Barry Brownstein  The current CDC guidelines are so poor they would recommend a 15-year old boy who recovered from documented covid19 and who got pericarditis from dose 1 go on to get dose 2.” He adds, “Can we pause a minute to contemplate how staggeringly negligent that is?” Dr. Prasad is clear, “Covid vaccines for children should not get emergency use authorization.” 

Scientists quit journal board, protesting ‘grossly irresponsible’ study claiming COVID-19 vaccines kill, by Meredith Wadman “The data has been misused because it makes the (incorrect) assumption that all deaths occurring post vaccination are caused by vaccination,” Ewer wrote in an email. “[And] it is now being used by anti-vaxxers and COVID-19-deniers as evidence that COVID-19 vaccines are not safe. [This] is grossly irresponsible, particularly for a journal specializing in vaccines.”

Vaccine Passports: An Apartheid for Our Times, by Eugene Ehren to mandatory vaccinations against COVID-19 and vaccine passports is not opposition to science. It is opposition to biopolitics, a surveillance-based society, the disappearance of people’s autonomy over their bodies, the political instrumentalization of science and the conversion of science into a religion, the bifurcation of the unity of one’s corporeal and spiritual experience, and the erosion of one’s fundamental rights.”

Covid’s warped vaccines –Highly credentialled whistle-blowers sound a warning, by Rebecca Weisser could Covid vaccines inflict so much and such diverse harm? Perhaps because of two fatally flawed assumptions; that the spike protein is harmless and that it remains in the injection site. Recent research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston shows that the spike protein circulates in the plasma of vaccine recipients for up to 28 days and researchers at the Salk Institute showed that the spike protein on its own, without the virus, damages the cells in the walls of blood vessels, triggering clotting and also attacking platelets, so that the blood can’t clot.”

Peter Doshi, one of the editors of the British Medical Journal, ANU’s Professor Peter Collignon and Professor Peter Gotzsche, co-founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, which pioneered evidenced-based medicine, are just three of 27 doctors, scientists and professors who have lodged a petition with the US Food and Drug Administration, asking the agency to ‘slow down and get the science right’ before granting full approval to the vaccines, which the manufacturers are already seeking.”

COVID Vaccine Genocide – Ano Turtiainen, member of Parliament of Finland, gave a speech about possible COVID vaccine genocide going on in Finland.  (Translated text of his speech) “He warned all members of the Finnish Parliament and media by letting them know if they would still continue misleading our citizens by telling them fairy tales about safe vaccines, they are intentionally involved in several different crimes, the most serious of these may be even genocide.”

Half of COVID Delta Variant Infections in Israel are in Vaccinated People  by TVR Staff In a recent article in Business Insider, Marianne Guenot pointed out that the 40-50 percent figures are estimates and that they are preliminary, but that they “underline the worry that the Delta variant could mean the virus continues to spread even in places like Israel where large portions of the population have been vaccinated.” She noted, “Of all the coronavirus variants, the Delta variant could pose the greatest risk to vaccinated people.”

Former Pfizer VP answers Reuters ‘fact checker’: ‘A pack of lies’, by Mordechai Sones – America’s Front Line Doctors “If these figures are of the same order of magnitude for other countries as well, and there is no reason to assume otherwise, then the plague is a deception of unprecedented proportions, and crimes committed against humanity on a huge scale have been committed here.”

Inventor of mRNA Technology: Vaccine Causes Lipid Nanoparticles to Accumulate in ‘High Concentrations’ in Ovaries, by Megan Redshaw – Children’s Health Defense  On the “Dark Horse Podcast,” Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA vaccine technology, said the COVID vaccine lipid nanoparticles — which tell the body to produce the spike protein — leave the injection site and accumulate in organs and tissues. According to Malone, the FDA knew the COVID spike protein was biologically active and could travel from the injection site and cause adverse events, and that the spike protein, if biologically active, is very dangerous.  In fact, Malone was one of many scientists to warn the FDA about the dangers of the free spike protein.”

Madness is Infecting the World of Medicine – Counting the Vaccine Dead, by Dr. Marc Sircus  “The world has a front-row seat to a horror story in progress, a vaccine horror story that was a long time in coming. The CDC shows that it does not have an ounce of integrity, as they demonstrated in their recent meeting about the damage done to younger populations with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. At the meeting, CDC scientists presented horrendous data. It showed that even without accounting for underreporting, the second dose of one of these vaccines could increase the risk of heart problems up to 200-fold in young men. But the scientists then went on to suggest the vaccines should still be given – even to kids already suffering from heart problems.”


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