The Pendulum Healing Mastery Course


5 hours online training in video format.

2 lessons of 2.5 hours each.  Links, and pdf student notes, will be sent on receipt of order.

SKU: 1728 Category:

This is a recording of a live course that is available to watch on demand at your own convenience.  Links to the two private Vimeo recordings will be sent on receipt of your booking. Along with Class Notes and Pendulum Charts.

5 hours plus online training

2 lessons of plus 2.5 hours

The focus of this course is on personal healing and the use of the pendulum in that context.
The class teaches how to work with the Higher Self through the Pendulum and covers the art, science of the skill of accurate Pendulum Divination.
We cover the history of divination, how it works, why it works, how to hone the skill, how to utilize various methods of pendulum use, the structure of the mind, how the mind works, how to structure great questions, how to gain confidence, how to trouble shoot if answers are less than 100% accurate. How to dowse for self and how to dowse for others using various charts (supplied), lists, and other methods.
The reason the class is being offered is that I came to appreciate that many students were struggling with the ’correct questioning’ aspects as listed on the Assessment form for Hara Lines, as they were most familiar with using a pendulum over the energy centers of the body and less confident using the pendulum as a divination tool.   Students requested more tuition.
I’ve been teaching this course for 15 years so you can rest assured the methods are tried, tested and proven. Suitable for Beginners and Intermediate students. By donation.


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